Friday, January 27, 2006
I'm thinking about all this now as I am tired. I slept last night but woke up every few hours and then woke up for good before 6. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep tonight. I need to be awake and with it tomorrow as we may be having a couple come to meet Chamomile, one of our foster kitties, who is interested in adopting her. Chami is very shy but so sweet, nothing like the little wild girl who clomb the walls when we first got her in August. So fingers crossed that it works out.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
My Big 32 List-In Progress
1. Get in touch with a specific childhood friend.
2. Try out 25 new recipes this year.
3. Drink more water, ideally 8 glasses a day but start slow with 4 a day.
4. Hang photos around the house. We have almost no pictures up in our house and we have a ton to choose from.
5. Sing more.
6. Knit some blankets for the cats carriers.
7. Get involved in some sort of exercise, maybe yoga.
8. Paint at least one room in the house. Preferably our bedroom but may start with a bathroom.
9. Get all our holiday items neatly organized.
10. Journal at least weekly.
11. Read The Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Ring. I love all the LOTR movies and now I want to read the book.
12. Read The Diary of Anne Frank. Can you believe I never had to read this in school? We went to a theatre production last year and it was very powerful.
13. Read The Little Prince
14. Make it to a church service at least once a month.
15. Be on time with all my Angelbaby gifts/cards.
That's all I have for now....I'll add and update when I have thought of more.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Hello There!
A little about me:
I'm 31, going to be 32 this next Tuesday. (How did that happen? I swear I just graduated from high school yesterday.)
I'm married to the love of my life. It's been 8 and a half years now and yes, I honestly love him even more than the day we married. Richard is absolutely amazing. He makes me laugh and he loves me for me. Richard is from the North of England and the rest of his family still lives in England. We usually have guests in the form of his parents about once a year. None of our extended family lives anywhere near us.
We have one dog, named Vanilla Bean (Nilla for short) and she is our baby. I'll tell you her story later.
We rescue cats. Thus, the name of this blog. We have 6 of our cats (The last one to be added was Clara. She was out foster kitty and Richard adopted her for me as a Christmas present. No, animals are not presents but this was a bit different. Clara was not going anywhere. I wanted her and we planned on adopting her at some point anyway but Richard making it official for Christmas was a big surprise. She's the best present ever!) who I will introduce in a bit. We also foster cats for a local rescue (Which means there is usually a cat on my desk) and so alot of other things with the rescue. It's a big part of our lives.
I dont work outside of the home due to health problems.
I'm a Christian and my faith is very important to me. I have church issues due to things that have happened in my past and I'm slowly working through them. I dont know that there will ever be a time I wont have some issues (I hate saying that as it sounds so negative.) but I am happy that I am finally in a church where I am comfortable.
My little sister is pregnant with her first baby. :)
I'm a redhead.
I have lived all over but if you ask me where I am from my answer will be Texas. Currently we're living in North Carolina and we both love it. We just bought our first house in 2003.
I love games-board games, computer games, Nintendo. You name it, I'll play it. And I'll probably beat it too. ;)
I am a movie junkie! I watch all kinds of movies and keep a list of all the ones I watch.
So there you have it. Me in a few paragraphs. I'll be back with more.