Sunday, July 28, 2024

Closing Survey

1.How many books did you read during this readathon? Did you have any favorites?

I finished 2 and read from 1 more.

2. How many books did you finish?


3. Did you accomplish your goals for this readathon?

Yep, I actually wound up finishing Head Over Heels.

4. How did your snacks and meals work out? Are there things you would change about the food and beverages side of your readathon for next time?

We didn't plan any this time. Just ate normally.

5. Did you enjoy this readathon? What was the most successful part of your readathon? What would you change for next time?

I did. I liked the lack of planning.

6. Will you be continuing your readathon reading past the end of our official readathon?

We'll read a bit today as we always do but will also be watching Olympics.

Hours 22-24

 I read Awkward for 103 minutes and read 166 pages and finished it. I also read Calypso for 53 minutes and read 27 pages.

Hour 19-21


Hours 4-6 I read 53 pages for 92 minutes and finished Head Over Heels. I started Awkward and read 45 pages in 18 minutes.

Hour 7


I read 18 pages for 61 minutes.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Hours 4-6

Hours 4-6 I read 70 pages for 131 minutes.

Unfortunately my book has hit an annoying snag. I rarely read romance and this book is reminding me why. Anyway, I'll def finish it tomorrow.

Billie's face sums up my feelings.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Hours 1-3

 68 pages read in 135 minutes. My books really good.

Reverse Read-A-Thon Opening Survey

 1) What part of the world are you reading from today? 

The Woodlands, TX Just outside of Houston

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to? 

The only one I really have is Head Over Heels which I'm about half way into and really enjoying.

3) Which snacks are you most looking forward to? 


4) Tell us a little something about yourself! 

I've already reached my reading goal on Goodreads for the year.

5) What are your goals for this readathon? 

Get a good chunk of Head Over Heels read.