Saturday, April 18, 2009

End of Hour 9

This hour I read:

Hokus Pokus by Fern Michaels - 24 pages

Pages Read This Hour - 24

I read for 39 minutes.

Total pages read: 172 pages

Total minutes read: 287

Books Finished: 1

Some distractions this hour (in kitten form) and I am fighting the urge to take a nap.


  1. Heehee... those furry distraction make life more interesting, don't they?

    Hey, if you give in to the urge to nap, perhaps you'll wake up with a second wind! Best of luck with the read-a-thon!

  2. Good idea to change books, the read-a-thon is all about having fun! Keep going, you;re doing really well.

  3. Kittens are a fun distraction! :) Sounds like you're doing great though. We'll see how the kittens do at like hour 23, right?
