Monday, April 23, 2012

Spring Into Horror Read-A-Thon Starting Post

Well after just finishing the Dewey's 24 Hour Read-A-Thon I am starting another!  This time a much more layed back one.  I have a week to read as much as I can including at least one scary book.  As luck would have it I am already reading a paranormal book, The Chick and The Dead by Casey Daniels.  So I'll be keeping up the reading on this book and hopefully moving onto even more books.  Let the reading continue!


  1. Good luck! I'm glad this readathon is a little more relaxed, as Saturday completely wiped me out, and I ended up sleeping most of yesterday. I'll be checking back to see your progress!

  2. Welcome to the read-a-thon, Jenn! So glad you could join us. Have fun reading! I will be checking in again. =O)
