Sunday, April 26, 2015

End of Hour Eighteen

This hour I read:

The Madness Underneath by Maureen Johnson - 5 pages

I read for 21 minutes

Total pages read: 140

Total minutes read: 418

I spent a lot of the last hour updating my blog and twitter.  I will finish this book!

I spent more time on this the past hour than on my book.

Grafton loves Read-A-Thons!


  1. The hard part about reading on the laptop is the rest of my online life is "right there". I spent too much time with face book the last couple of hours.

    Payday dip? Could you post a recipe?

  2. Hi again Jenn:)
    I hope you finish your book! Keep reading. You can do it!
    I have never read a Maureen Johnson book. Maybe I should try it some day:)
