Sunday, April 30, 2023

Closing Survey


How many books did you read during this readathon? Did you have any favorites?

5 and DNFd one. I read for 12 hours and aprox 878 pages.

We Band of Angels & They Called us Enemy were favs but all my books were really good.

How many books did you finish?


Did you accomplish your goals for this readathon?

I did. I really wanted to finish Angels and did so. I read all the books on my TBR too, aside from the DNF.

How did your snacks and meals work out? Are there things you would change about the food and beverages side of your readathon for next time?

We definitey went out less and that was nice. We had sandwiches and breakfast at home and some snacks.

Did you enjoy this readathon? What was the most successful part of your readathon? What would you change for next time?

I did! I loved staying at home, camping out on our new furniture. I may make dinner in the crockpot next time.

What Dewey’s social media sites did you visit during this readathon? What activities did you participate in? Do you plan to complete those activities over the remainder of the weekend?

Facebook and the main blog, here.

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